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Stop Smoking With a Vape Cigarette

Stop Smoking With a Vape Cigarette An e-Cigarette is a modern electronic device which replicates traditional cigarette smoking, only in a new and safer way. It consists generally of a tank, an atomizer, and an electrical source just like a lithium battery or cell phone charger. Rather than smoke, the smoker inhales only vapor. As…

What’s Vaping?

What’s Vaping? What’s Vaping? It is just a term sometimes used to spell it out what most non-smokers think of as smoking, but really is just a modification of what is called smoking. An electric cigarette is simply an electric device which simulates smoking tobacco. It usually includes a battery, a power power source such…

How come the Vapor Cigarette Better For You Compared to the Actual Tobacco Cigarettes?

How come the Vapor Cigarette Better For You Compared to the Actual Tobacco Cigarettes? An electric cigarette is really a device that basically simulates the act of smoking tobacco. It usually includes an electrical atomizer, a battery, and some sort of container just like a tank or cartridge. Rather than actual smoke, the average person…

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